Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hell has no fury....

WHAT A WEEK!!!! My mother's (God rest her soul) sister passed away on the Sunday before Easter.  Pitiful funeral.  My mom was one of 13 living children. My grandmother had her first son that caught pneumonia and died at the age of 1.  God bless her, she was so very hurt and devistated, she stood at the foot of that tiny grave and swore she would NEVER have another.  Well, she did.  She lost a set of twins because she had diptheria - YES, really she did and she lived through it to tell about it, but unfortunately lost her twins. All together though, she did have 2 other sets of twins that did live. Twenty years ago, when a family funeral occurred, it was unbelievable. Think about it...13 grown children, all married with children of their own. There was hundreds of people - no joke. When my grandmother passed, she had 140 survivors - strickly family.  Now, our family is down to about 8. Is is sad.  Then during the funeral, I learned that my mother's twin sister had lost her daughter just a few months ago (they live out of state), so that was a shock. Then there was another death of a friend. So I've not had the best week ever.

However, I did feel wonderful that the young lady that I baked her baby's first birthday cake was extremely happy...made me happy.  My daughter (the mom was her friend) said she had never been to any part where they ENTIRE CAKE was eaten -- but mine was. No, please understand, I am NOT bragging, I just use the information I paid dearly for and obtained taking the classes so that I could be professional. 

I do have several openings for birthday cakes & wedding cakes - so I pray someone soon will follow me and order a cake. Promise you will be very happy :)!

Well, let's pray and hope that this week will be much, much better!

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